Yogahood Australia is a not-for-profit bringing the physical, mental and emotional benefits of yoga to communities and neighbourhoods in need.
We believe in the transformational power of yoga to empower, enrich and positively shape lives and we're committed to making yoga as accessible and relevant to the wider community as possible.
Through our yoga outreach work, we aim to contribute to building a thriving, healthy and peaceful Australia.
Partner with us
We are thankful to the teachers and studios who partner with us and support Yogahood. This may be via donation classes, fundraising activities or endorsement.
If you are a teacher or studio owner who would like to get involved and partner with us, we would love to hear from you.
Yogahood Australia is a registered charity.
Please support our outreach work
by donating.
Your donation will help us administer our
yoga outreach programs and cover other essentials items fundamental
to running a impactful non-profit.